PPC x Auxo

Google Ads & Microsoft Ads UK leading experts, increasing sales, leads and exposure by utilising the full search and display networks.

We boost PPC performance

We have decades of experience in utilising all campaign types to achieve account
growth and meet our clients goals. By leveraging data we are
able to grow a clients account and ensure long term stability.

Google Search ↓

Getting any old leads is not enough, we are not satisfied if leads are not high value for you.

Google Shopping ↓

We structure paid ad performance through data-driven shopping campaigns that are ROAS driven.

Google Performance Max ↓

We prioritise leveraging rich data to get (virtual) bums on seats for that big event.

Main issues clients come to us with

Some clients come to us with a sour taste in their mouths from previous marketing agencies, whether it is communication problems, lack of results or general malpractice the same complaints always crop up. We want to be the proof that we are not all like this

This is probably the most common complaint clients have and is something that simply is not good enough. Transparency and consistent communication areas important as the work itself.

This is another common complaint, unfortunately some agencies want to get you through the door and then drop the ball. Our ethos is when you thrive, we thrive and so in this way you can trust your ads are in good hands.

Marketing can take time which makes it even more important to make, relative and reliable deadlines. We never tell clients deadlines that we could not make as this reflects badly on us and ultimately losing the client.

Agencies will often overpromise to get more money, this breaks trust and ultimately ends up with a parting of ways. We want to create long-lasting partnerships and centre your needs around our efforts.

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Auxo Academy

We are the digital agency
other's learn from

PPC x Auxo

Google Ads & Microsoft Ads UK leading experts, increasing sales, leads and exposure by utilising the full search and display networks across all Google & Microsoft partner platforms.

0 :1

Average ROAS (Return On Ad Spend)

+ 0 %

Avg Conversion Increase

0 m

Total Impressions

+ 0 m

Total Clicks In 2024

We boost PPC performance

We have decades of experience in utilising all campaign types to achieve account
growth and meet our clients goals. By leveraging data we are
able to grow a clients account and ensure long term stability.

Google Search

The most popular ad campaign on Google, leveraging keywords and search engine exposure, you can fire yourself to the top of people's search queries.

Google Shopping

Calling all E-commerce businesses, this is the campaign type for you. Linking through product data this provides a perfect way to showcase your products to your refined audience segements.

Google Performance Max

Google's latest and greatest innovation, a combination of both search and display networks makes this type of campaign one of the most effective options.

Main issues clients come to us with

Some clients come to us with a sour taste in their mouths from previous marketing agencies, whether it is communication problems, lack of results or general malpractice the same complaints always crop up. We want to be the proof that we are not all like this

This is probably the most common complaint clients have and is something that simply is not good enough. Transparency and consistent communication areas important as the work itself.

This is another common complaint, unfortunately some agencies want to get you through the door and then drop the ball. Our ethos is when you thrive, we thrive and so in this way you can trust your ads are in good hands.

Marketing can take time which makes it even more important to make, relative and reliable deadlines. We never tell clients deadlines that we could not make as this reflects badly on us and ultimately losing the client.

Agencies will often overpromise to get more money, this breaks trust and ultimately ends up with a parting of ways. We want to create long-lasting partnerships and centre your needs around our efforts.

We pride ourselves on scaling ad accounts

Scaling ad accounts is our forte, we thrive in areas we can grow a client. Digital Marketing can be an ever-changing landscape and we want to scale with this landscape.

Hear how we can elevate your PPC accounts

Rated 5 Stars on Google

Get Your FREE PPC Ads Audit Today!

Fill out this short form and we’ll be in touch with your free audit in no time.

Get Your FREE Facebook Ads Audit Today!

Fill out this short form and we’ll be in touch with your free audit in no time.

Auxo Academy

We are the thought leaders
other's learn from